As their sources are recited in prayer and readings on the Sabbath and throughout the Jewish year.
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Ein Od Milvado Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 4:35 Shabbat Va'etchanan 17 Aug 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's fifth reading (Aliyah) Shabbat Nachamu Ein Od Milvado
Shma Israel Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Shabbat Va'etchanan 17 Aug 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's sixth reading (Aliyah) Shabbat Nachamu Shma Israel
Ve'ahavta Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Shabbat Va'etchanan 17 Aug 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's sixth reading (Aliyah) Shabbat Nachamu  
Nachamu Ami Isaiah Isaiah 40:1-2-3 Shabbat Va'etchanan 17 Aug 2024 Haftarah reading: Shabbat Nachamu  
Vesamachta Bechagecha Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 16:14,15 Shabbat Re'eh 31 Aug 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's seventh reading (Aliyah) Vesamachta Bechagecha
Od Evnech Isaiah Isaiah 52:1 Shabbat Shoftim 7 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading - 3rd part of song Od Evnech Venivnet
Uri Tzion Isaiah Isaiah 52:1-2 Shabbat Shoftim 7 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading Uri Tzion
Ma Navu Isaiah Isaiah 52:7 Shabbat Shoftim 7 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading Ma Navu
Eretz Zavat Chalav Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 26:9,15 27:3 Shabbat Ki Tavo 21 Sep 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's first, second, fourth readings (Aliyot) (Aliyah) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Kumi Ori Isaiah Isaiah 60:1,4 Shabbat Ki Tavo 21 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading Kumi Ori
Lema'an Tzion Isaiah Isaiah 62:1-2 Shabbat Nitzavim 28 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading Lema'an Tzion
Sisu Et Yerushalaim Isaiah Isaiah 66:10; 62:6; 60:4 Shabbat Nitzavim 28 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading - 2nd part of song Sisu Et Yerushalayim
Od Evnech Isaiah Isaiah 62:8 Shabbat Nitzavim 28 Sep 2024 Haftarah reading - 5th part of song Od Evnech Venivnet
Ve'afilu b'hastara Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 31:18 Shabbat Vayeilech 28 Sep 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's fifth reading (Aliyah)  
Vayenikehu D'vash Misela Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 32:13 Shabbat Ha'Azinu 5 Oct 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's third reading (Aliyah) Vayenikehu
Ki Tavo'u El Ha'aretz Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes 3:2,3 * Shabbat Sukkot 19 Oct 2024 2nd part based on Ecclesiastes Ki Tavo'u El Ha'aretz
Od Evnech Isaiah Isaiah 66:10 * Shabbat Rosh Chodesh 2 Nov 2024 Haftarah reading- 4th part of song Od Evnech Venivnet
Sisu Et Yerushalayim Isaiah Isaiah 66:10; 62:6; 60:4 * Shabbat Rosh Chodesh 2 Nov 2024 Haftarah reading- 2nd part of song Sisu Et Yerushalayim
Chazak Isaiah Isaiah 41:6 Shabbat Lech-Lecha 9 Nov 2024 Haftarah reading  
Sulam Ya'akov Genesis Genesis 28:12 Shabbat Vayeitzei 7 Dec 2024 Based on Genesis 28:12 which appears within the Torah portion's first reading (Aliyah) Sulam Ya'akov
Sulam Ya'akov-2 Genesis Genesis 28:12 Shabbat Vayeitzei 7 Dec 2024 Based on Genesis 28:12 which appears within the Torah portion's first reading (Aliyah)  
Al Tira Genesis Genesis 28:12 Shabbat Vayeitzei 7 Dec 2024 First words Jeremiah 46:27,28. Inspired by Gen 28 Al Tira
Ufaratzta Genesis Genesis 28:14 Shabbat Vayeitzei 7 Dec 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's first reading (Aliyah) Ufaratsta
Al Tira Yisrael Genesis Genesis 29:18-30 Shabbat Vayeitzei 7 Dec 2024 Based on Genesis 29:18-30 which appears within the Torah portion's third reading (Aliyah) Yaakov Hatamim
Katonti Genesis Genesis 32:11-12 Shabbat Vayishlach 14 Dec 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's first reading (Aliyah) Katonti
Lech Na Re'e Genesis Genesis 37:14 Shabbat Vayeshev 21 Dec 2024 Appears within the Torah portion's second reading (Aliyah) Lech Na'ara
Roni Vesimchi Zechariyah Zechariyah 2:14 * Shabbat Chanukah 28 Dec 2024 Haftarah reading Roni Vesimchi Bat Tsion
Hamalach Hagoel Oti Genesis Genesis 48:16 Shabbat Vayechi 11 Jan 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's second reading (Aliyah) Hamalach Hagoel Oti
Eretz Zavat Chalav Exodus Exodus 3:8,17 Shabbat Shemot 18 Jan 2025 1st & 2nd of 12 places. Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Uvau Haovdim Isaiah Isaiah 27:13 Shabbat Shemot 18 Jan 2025 Haftarah reading - Ashkenazim only Uvau Haovdim
Eretz Zavat Chalav Exodus Exodus 13:5 Shabbat Bo 1 Feb 2025 3rd of 12 places. Appears within the Torah portion's sixth reading (Aliyah) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Al Tira Jeremiah Jeremiah 46:27, 28 Shabbat Bo 1 Feb 2025 Haftarah reading. First words Jeremiah 46:27,28. Inspired by Gen 28 Al Tira
Ashira Ladonai Exodus Exodus 15:1-2 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Ashira Ladonai
Shirat Hayam Exodus Exodus 15:1-2 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Shirat Hayam
Sus Verochvo Exodus Exodus 15:1-2,21 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Sus Verochvo
Uzi (Ozi Vezimrat Yah) Exodus Exodus 15:2 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Ozi Vezimrat Yah
Mi Kamocha Exodus Exodus 15:11 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Mi Kamocha
Vatikach Miryam Exodus Exodus 15:20-22 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Vatikach Miryam
Eretz Ra'ashah Judges Judges 5:4,21-22,31 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Haftarah reading  
Ken Yovdu Judges Judges 5:31 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Haftarah reading Ken Yovdu
Tidrechi Judges Judges 5:31,21 Shabbat Beshalach 8 Feb 2025 Haftarah reading Tidrechi
Min Hametzar Exodus Exodus 19:16 Shabbat Yitro 15 Feb 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fifth reading (Aliyah)  
Ein Od Milvado Isaiah Isaiah 6:3 Shabbat Yitro 15 Feb 2025 Haftarah reading Ein Od Milvado
Veshamru Exodus Exodus 31:16,17 Shabbat Ki Tisa 15 Mar 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's second reading (Aliyah)  
Eretz Zavat Chalav Exodus Exodus 33:3 Shabbat Ki Tisa 15 Mar 2025 4th of 12 places. Appears within the Torah portion's second reading (Aliyah) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Veheshiv Lev Avot Malachi Malachi 3:23-24 * Shabbat HaGadol 12 Apr 2025 Haftarah reading Veheshiv Lev Avot
Ki Tavo'u El Ha'aretz Leviticus Leviticus 19:23 Shabbat Kedoshim 10 May 2025 1st part of song excerpted from within the Torah portion's third reading (Aliyah) Ki Tavo'u El Ha'aretz
Eretz Zavat Chalav Leviticus Leviticus 20:24 Shabbat Kedoshim 10 May 2025 5th of 12 places. Appears within the Torah portion's seventh reading (Aliyah) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Vehitifu Heharim Asis Amos Amos 9:13 Shabbat Kedoshim 10 May 2025 Haftarah reading - Ashkenazim only Vehitifu Heharim Asis
Eretz Zavat Chalav Jeremiah Jeremiah 32:22 Shabbat Behar 24 May 2025 Haftarah reading (12th of 12 places) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Vehaya Ke'etz Shatul Jeremiah Jeremiah 17:8 Shabbat Bechukotai 24 May 2025 Haftarah reading Vehaya Ke'etz Shatul
Ve'erastich Hosea Hosea 2:21-22 Shabbat Bamidbar 31 May 2025 Haftarah reading Ve'erastich Li
Birkat HaKohanim Numbers Numbers 6:24-26 Shabbat Nasso 7 Jun 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's fourth reading (Aliyah) Birkat HaKohanim
Roni Vesimchi Zechariyah Zechariyah 2:14 Shabbat Beha'alotcha 14 Jun 2025 Haftarah reading Roni Vesimchi Bat Tsion
Ve'ahavta Numbers Numbers 15:40-41 Shabbat Sh'lach 21 Jun 2025 Appears within the Torah portion's seventh reading (Aliyah)  
Eretz Zavat Chalav Numbers Numbers 16:13 Shabbat Korach 28 Jun 2025 6th of 12 places. Appears within the Torah portion's first reading (Aliyah) Eretz Zavat Chalav
Bat Yiftach Judges Judges 11:34 Shabbat Chukat 5 Jul 2025 Haftarah ends w Judges 11:33. The song is inspired by Judges 11:34 Bat Yiftach
Shir HaShirim Song of Songs Song of Songs 1:1-2; 2:1-2; 4:1 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026    
Shir HaShirim Song of Songs Song of Songs 1:1-3 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Shir Hashirim
Sh'chorah Venavah Song of Songs Song of Songs 1:5; 2:2 (partial) * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Shechora Ani (Shchora Venava)
Al Tiruni Song of Songs Song of Songs 1:5-6 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Al Tiruni
Tze'i lach Song of Songs Song of Songs 1:8 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026    
Im Lo Ted'i Lach Song of Songs Song of Songs 1:8,15,17, 2:2 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Im Lo Ted'i Lach
Keshoshana Bein Hachochim Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:2-3 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Keshoshana Bein Hachochim
Hevi'ani El Beit Hayayin Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:4-5 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Hevi'ani El Beit Hayayin
Kol Dodi Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:8 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Kol Dodi
Hineh Hastav Avar Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:11-12 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Hineh Hastav Avar
Nitsanim Niru Va'aretz Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:11-13 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Nitzanim Niru Va'aretz
Yonati Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:14 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026 Rivka Sturman's dance only Yonati
Hashmini Et Kolech Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:14 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026    
Shualim Ketanim Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:15 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Shualim Ketanim
Dodi Li Song of Songs Song of Songs 2:16; 3:6; 4:9,16 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Dodi Li
Hinach Yafa Rayati Song of Songs Song of Songs 4:1 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026 Yankele Levy's dance only Hinach Yafah Rayati
Iti Milvanon Song of Songs Song of Songs 4:8; 5:16 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Iti Milvanon
Libavtini Song of Songs Song of Songs 4:9-11 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Livavtini
Uri Tzafon Song of Songs Song of Songs 4:16 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Uri Tzafon
El Ginat Egoz Song of Songs Song of Songs 4:16; 6:11; 7:12-13 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   El Ginat Egoz
Ani Yesheinah Song of Songs Song of Songs 5:2 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026    
Dodi Dodi (Dodi Tzach Ve'adom) Song of Songs Song of Songs 5:10-11,16 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Dodi Dodi (Dodi Tzach Ve'adom)
Ana Halach Dodech Song of Songs Song of Songs 6:1-2 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Ana Halach Dodech
Ana Pana Dodech Song of Songs Song of Songs 6:1-2 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Ana Pana Dodech
Yarad Dodi Legano Song of Songs Song of Songs 6:2 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Yarad Dodi Legano (Israeli Mixer)
Ani Ledodi Song of Songs Song of Songs 6:3 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Ani Ledodi
Shuvi Hashulamit Song of Songs Song of Songs 7:1 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Shuvi HaShulamit
Et Dodim Kala Song of Songs Song of Songs 7:13,7; 4:11; 7:12; 2:10 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Et Dodim Kala
Simeni Kachotam Song of Songs Song of Songs 8:6-7 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026    
Achot Lanu Ktanah Song of Songs Song of Songs 8:8-10 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Achot Lanu Ktanah
Hayoshevet Baganim Song of Songs Song of Songs 8:13-14 * Shabbat Pesach 4 Apr 2026   Hayoshevet Baganim
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This project began with a chart created by Gary Fox of Portland, Oregon, USA.
The original concept was developed and expanded by Aura Levin Lipski and Gary Fox.
We thank Gary for this outstanding and pioneering contribution.
Thanks also go to Gila Ansell Brauner for her translations and ongoing assistance.