Hey tziyunyunai haderech,
Avanim lavavanot
Tov lashut tarmil al shechem
El bli an harchek lindod.

Beyn Ayelet u Metullah
Sham ayafti va eshev
Perach chen liktof chafatzti
Veninatz li koz balev.

Hey tziyunyunai haderech,
Avanim lavavanot
Tov laschut tarmil al schechem
El bli an harchek lindod.

Et haykum pitom lefeta
Arpilim helitu lot
Kchol merchav gazlu mineni
shtey eynayim kechulot.

Hey tziyunyunai haderech,
Avanim lavavanot
Tov laschut tarmil al shechem
El bli an harchek lindod.

Beyn Ayelet u Metulla
Tarmili nafal bagay
Yad raka sham beleyl choshech
Gazeza machlefotay.

Hey tziyunyunai haderech,
Avanim lavavanot
lo etzeh ode'lo abliga
El bli an harchek lindod.

Hey, landmarks,

whitish stones.

It's good to sail, haversack on shoulders,

to nowhere, to wander far away.


Between Ayelet and Metulla,

there I was tired, and sit.

I wanted to pick a graceful flower,

and a thorn stabbed my heart.


Hey, landmarks,

whitish stones.

It's good to sail, haversack on shoulders,

to nowhere, to wander far away.


Mist suddenly enwrapped

the universe:

two blue eyes

stole from me the blue open space.


Hey, landmarks,

whitish stones.

It's good to sail, haversack on shoulders,

to nowhere, to wander far away.


Between Ayelet and Metulla

my haversack fell in the wadi,

a soft hand, there, in the dark night,

cut my plaits.


Hey, landmarks,

withish stones.

I will not go out anymore, I will not sail

to nowhere, to wander far away.



Hebrew words

LYRICS Aharon Ashman
MUSIC Mordechai Zeira
SINGER Esther Ofarim
CD Hayu Leilot    Track 11
Transliteration from the Esther Ofarim website
Links and Italian translation by Daniel Shalev of Rishon LeZion, Israel
German translation from the Esther Ofarim website
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Italian translation German translation



Punti di riferimento,

sassi bianchi sulla via,

zaino in spalle, faccia al vento,

vagabondo, vado via.


Ma la strada a lungo stanca,

sono vinto dal torpor.

C'è qualcosa che mi manca,

c'è una spina in fondo al cuor.




D'improvviso è sceso un velo,

è sparito ogni color,

m'han rubato il blù del cielo

gli occhi azzurri dell'amor.




Le mie scarpe sono rotte,

senza zaino dove andrò?

Una mano nella notte

i miei riccioli tagliò.


Punti di riferimento,

sassi bianchi sulla via,

più non vado, faccia al vento,

resto con la bella mia.

He, Steine am Wegrand,
weisse Meilensteine,
wie gut es doch tut
ohne Ziel zu wandern.

Den Rucksack geschultert,
wandere ich ziellos dahin.
Und als ich eine Blume pflücken wollte,
stach sie mich mit ihrem Dorn...
mitten ins Herz.

He, Steine am Wegrand,
weisse Meilensteine,
wie gut es doch tut
ohne Ziel zu wandern.

Plötzlich war meine Welt
mit nebligen Wolken bedeckt;
das Blau des Horizontes ward mir
von zwei blauen Augen gestohlen.

He, Steine am Wegrand,
weisse Meilensteine,
wie gut es doch tut
ohne Ziel zu wandern.

Zwischen Ayelet und Metulla
glitt mein Rucksack in ein tiefes Tal hinab
und eine zarte Hand schnitt mir
in dunkler Nacht meine Locken ab.

He, Steine am Wegrand,
weisse Meilensteine,
von nun an werd ich nicht mehr wandern
ohne zu wissen wohin!

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